Sunday, 24 April 2016

The 5 W's: Who, What, Where, When, why?

You'll know that I have a thousand college assignments due when you see me publish a post on here. 
Why? Because I am very fond of procrastination. In-fact this evening I spent an HOUR on the Vogue Youtube channel watching '73 questions with such and such'.

Now where was I...


32 weeks ago on the 7th of September I sat here in this very room, on this very laptop preparing myself for my very first day of my Masters and here I am 32 weeks on preparing for my very last week in college. Technically I still am not finished (having to do a thesis all summer-on my own accord). BUT classes are over at the end of this week and I am a ball of mixed emotions.

Where has this college year gone? I feel like I should have embraced it a bit more.
Between working four days/evenings a week and the masters I didn't feel like I had that much spare time.

This year went. dare I say it...smoothly. Now that's not to say that stuff didn't happen. 
Stuff happened that made me cry, I was homesick (yes. I was. not so much anymore, soz mum.), I felt over-whelmed, lost, useless, lost, not good enough, not able, did I mention lost? 

But I learned a lot about myself. I learned how to be comfortable being alone and that it was 'okay' to be alone. I learned to stand up for myself. I learned the importance of surrounding myself with like-minded people, people who made me feel just as intelligent as I thought that they were. I learned to not be so hard on myself. I made new friends while loosing some old ones. I stayed up all night when I should have been studying, slept on peoples couches, laughed, cried, learned how to live on pasta and rice for a week solid, and that 'you don't make friends doing assignments'. 

With this last week I have 1001 things left to do. But Friday WILL come and they WILL get done.           

Now if anyone is looking for me Friday night I will be in Costello's kicking ASS at beer pong.

Stressfully yours, 


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