Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Growing up Online


You can't really escape social media nowadays can you?
Especially the job that I plan on going into. A journo.
They tell us we have to be all kinds of tech-savvy social media self promoters, when sometimes the lecturers lecturing us on this can't even get the power-point to work. AWKS.

Bebo was the Facebook of my generation. Painfully sitting through the dial up connection noise praying it would connect to the internet. Only allocated a certain amount of time 'online' to 'give love' to your 'other half'. A more simpler time I might add where you know who-liked-who from the position they held in their top sixteen.
Painfully waiting an hour for a Youtube video to load before your parents screamed at you to get off the internet because someone was trying to get through on the house phone. 

If you have no clue what I am on about think pre-wifi era.

The 90's children internet.

I would HATE to be a teenager growing up nowadays.

Everything is got at the click of a button and we spend endless hours staring blankly into a screen. Social media outlets designed were we post content just to get some validation from our peers and strangers. It is tiring and I have learned that you do not need to share the entire content of your life online. Gone are the days of  'u ok hun?' under a status stating how you hated 'so and so'.  

As I have gotten older I have realized that some things are best kept private.


Yes I have a blog where I write what I want and post pictures and chat absolute shite. But there are so many unpublished posts that never made it to the eyes of whoever the hell is reading these posts. Written by an emotionally un-stable sinéad, who was glad to click save rather than publish. 

So what exactly am I trying to say? Well like most of the time I'm not sure.
But I remember being a teenager and not caring about how I appeared online.....because I was rarely ever on it.

Now I'm snap-chatting my friends what I'm doing, while also texting one of them in a different conversation, and also organizing plans in the whatsapps group while filtering the crap out of my pictures on Instagram and hash-tagging my life away on twitter while sipping left on tinder like there is no tomorrow. It is exhausting. But it's only going to get bigger and better? Worse? 
Oh who knows.

Sometimes it's best to step away from your phone and instead of trying to document everything; what your eating/wearing/checking yourself in on facebook. 
How about you actually just enjoy what your doing and who your doing it with.

 Put the phone down.


P.s: But don't forget to like, share, tweet, pin, insta, snap, subscribe ahgkjabgkgdbagoebwhogbaegk......  

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