Friday, 19 January 2018

New York Diaries - 3 months in

HAPPY WEDNESDAY and welcome to my first post of 2018. Failing miserably at documenting everything but rest assured I am busy living. 

It marks more than three months since I fled that Emerald Isle of ours and headed state side for the adventure of a lifetime. And what a three months it has been.

Where to even begin....let's just start with the fact that every day does not start like the movies. Through Snapchat and Instagram I may look like I am living that Glam NYC lifestyle swanning here, there and everywhere. But it couldn't be further from the truth. I am not in an episode of Sex and the city or Friends. 

When you think you have time to yourself outside of any work you have you have to do laundry (I will never take a washer and dryer in my own house for granted every again). The noise, the beeping and the sidewalks full of people 24/7 is something to get used to. 

You think just because you live in the same city as your friends that you will see them often but weeks can go by arranging and cancelling plans because EVERYTHING IN THIS CITY REQUIRES SO MUCH EFFORT.  Thankfully my roommates are the soundest bunch of friends I have so going home to people you like at the end of the night is great - even if we can go three days without seeing each other. Also I am constantly tired and if truth be told I am a little bit meaner - this city is making me tough!

So does this mean I hate it? or want to move back to Ireland? Well not quiet. Thankfully I have not been homesick at all and while I do miss my family, I was lucky enough to be able to buy my mum flights to New York for Christmas (Dad would never in a million years want to come here!!).  

Speaking of Christmas, it was an emotional one thanks to all the Jameson consumed on Christmas Eve. Part of me was sad that I didn’t go home because I LOVE Christmas, but as my wise roommate said, we’ve spent the last 25 years at home celebrating Christmas, one Christmas away won’t kill us – plus it will make next year even more magical at home!

I've been spending my weeks and days running around looking for an internship in Journalism which is proving to be a little bit more difficult than I had imagined. Don't get me wrong I knew it was going to be tough but it is a whole different ball game. 

Needless to say I am enjoying being a tourist in this city. Eating and drinking my way around this city is not a hard task, only hard on the bank account. I pinch myself on days when I am lucky enough to take in this view. 

I walk down streets that I once seen in movies and I am walking to my apartment in Queens and catch a glimpse of the Empire state or Chrysler building peeking over the top of the buildings in the skyline I can't thank my lucky stars enough for being able to experience this city in all its smelly, crazy, weird glory.  

New York is fast paced, it does not slow down for anyone, people are mean and people are nice and all in all I've never felt more at home in a place all on my own - even with 9 million other people squished into the smallest apartments you'll ever find. 

    Photos by: Emma Finnerty


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