Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Kylie Jenner Lipkit: The first step to being a basic bitch

Judge me, go on I know you want to. 
I caved, I am a sheep, I am a basic bitch, I am a Kylie Jenner lips wannbe and I am also poor as I spent 38 FRICKING EURO on a liquid lipstick and lads let me tell you one thing, I'd do it again. 

So as I follow Kylie Jenner on snap-chat (who doesn't love to spend their time watching her mime songs into a camera everyday for 10 minutes........) I noticed she had up that her holy grail liquid lipsticks were going on sale. So at 7:00 pm Irish time I went on the website and got my hands on one pretty easily. I hadn't planned to buy one so it was all panic stations coming to picking a color. Thankfully I had watched enough Youtube videos to know what color I wanted. So I popped it in my basket, put in my card details (I know them off by heart, bad sign) and cried as I clicked on the 15 dollar shipping fee. 
38 euro in total. 
1 week to get here: bought Tuesday the 21st arrived 28th. No custom charges.

So the verdict? It's drying as hell, if you think MACS matte or retro matte lipsticks are drying then triple the dryness and you got it. But I like the feeling it doesn't bother me and the color is nice. Her website Kylie Cosmetics is fully stocked all the time now which means it is easier to get them and they don't all sell out in two minutes straight! 
Worth the hype? You get a Lipliner and a Liquid lipstick for the same price you would as  a MAC Lipstick and liner so ya go on, treat yo self! 

Basic-bitchly yours, 



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