Monday, 7 July 2014

"Not all who wander are lost"

T-minus 12 days, 13 hours and so many minutes until we set off into the abyss of central Europe.
*que excited screams*

I'm not sure what way to take it. I am petrified and beyond excited all at the same time. 
We are travelling through 8 different countries, that's 8 different languages. Sometimes I have trouble just speaking English let alone trying to understand any other language. 

Munich: Germany
Prague: Czech republic
Bratislava: Slovakia 
Ljubana: Slovenia
Zagreb/Rjeka: Croatia
Budapest: Hungary 
Krakow: Poland
Warsaw: Poland
Berlin: Germany
Amsterdam: The Netherlands 

Tonight I do my trial packing, i.e me crying at the fact that half the clothes I want to take with me won't fit.
I recently picked up a backpack in Aldi for 25.99 which if I do say so myself was a bargain.
I feared that it would be too small, but having trawled through a bazillion instagram photos under the hashtag #interrailing. I can rest assured that it is more then enough!

Now what to pack. Since joining the blogsphere it has helped me in so many ways. The opinions and the advice from people all over the world has helped hugely.
Having trawled through a few blogs I came across the Travel Fashion Girl. I found this helpful and it mentioned things I would not have thought of, like flip-flops to wear in the shower in hostels? considering the amount of people coming and going in these places it is a must!!
The Lonely Planet is another one which has helped decide what to do and the best sights to see on our travels.
One blog which helped us kick start our travel preparations was One Year of Light. Anyone travelling around major cities of Europe needs to check it out. I found this blog on instagram and I am glad I did! Advice and places to stay as well as pretty photos and travel stories this blog helped me and my friends a lot! Go show it some love!

Now I'm off to do a trial run on the packing, wish me luck! EKKKK!



  1. Funny Post :) Enjoy Europe and read & share my blog if you can

    1. thanks for the comment! I really like your blog it's like reading a personal diary and you're defiantly not afraid to say whats on your mind *thumbs up* :)
      Gave your blog a follow on google +!!

  2. Thank you for mentioning my blog my love- if you haven't already jetted off then check out my new post for essential items to include when packing! Looking forward to hearing all about your trip on your blog. Be safe! :) Olivia x

  3. I recently picked up a backpack.You might also like this website which is for fashion women bags:
