So I am late to the band wagon with this one. Charcoal powder to make your teeth whiter?
I heard the old "saying" that back in the day people used ashes from the fire on their teeth but I thought it was another old wives tale!
Well I was severely wrong when I stumbled upon several bloggers raving about 'activated charcoal'.
So before purchasing the charcoal powder I thought I better do my homework and see if this method actually worked before possibly wasting my time and money.
BUT every blog post I read all came to the same conclusion.
YES activated charcoal powder DID make your teeth whiter.
Now before you all start rooting around in your fireplaces there is a simpler method to obtain activated charcoal. I got mine at Holland and Barrett for around 6 or 7 euro.
You get 100 capsules in the container and the method is quite simple.
You get 100 capsules in the container and the method is quite simple.
Take 1 or 2 capsules and open them up.
(WARNING this stuff will stain your clothes if you get it on it. I cut the top off
my capsules which can get messy as the powder puffs out of it but beauty is a pain right?)
Empty the contents into a glass and put in a teeny tiny drop of water so the powder goes into a paste form. Using a different toothbrush then my everyday one I put some of the charcoal paste of my brush and brush it onto my teeth.
Now this isn't a pretty sight as your mouth goes black as does your lips.
But fear not its all in hope of them pearly whites.
I leave the stuff on for a few minutes whatever you prefer yourself. It is recommended around 2-4 mins is enough time for it to work.
I then rinse my mouth out several times with water.
The charcoal leaves your mouth feeling extremely clean.
Then taking my everyday tooth brush I wash my teeth as normal using Beverly Hills Perfect white BLACK tooth paste that contains activated charcoal.

I got this in a local pharmacy on sale for 3 euro. I know Supervalu does this tooth paste for around 6 euro!It does seem a bit steep for a toothpaste but it is worth it.
I got this in a local pharmacy on sale for 3 euro. I know Supervalu does this tooth paste for around 6 euro!It does seem a bit steep for a toothpaste but it is worth it.
This toothpaste is again BLACK but fear not it is not as messy as the straight powder and it turns to white foam eventually and tastes just like any other toothpaste.
Then I just floss as normal.
So is the mess of charcoal powder worth the hype?
I have been using both the powder and toothpaste for a while now now and I can see a significant difference especially when I wear lipsticks!
I didn't take any photos before I started using it as I would prefer if my teeth were a bit straighter and didn't want to broadcast them to the world.
After a while I wont be using the powder every night as I read that twice a week would be fine after you notice a difference. But I will keep using the toothpaste as normal!
Anyone else try this method or have tried any other teeth whiteners?